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Bishop Paul Ojeda received his calling in 1997 after experiencing a personal encounter with God. Following an overdose on cocaine, he literally saw the pit of hell and cried out for God to save him.  With all God’s grace and mercy, God brought him back to Life. After faithfully serving for several years at Powerhouse Christian Center in Katy, Texas under the Pastoral Leadership of G.F. Watkins, Paul and his wife Lilian Ojeda were called by God to Austin, Texas. With only five people, Austin Powerhouse Church was established in 2004 at Alonzo’s Tacos; fulfilling the vision God had given them.


In 2009, his mentor, Bishop Kenneth Phillips, of Promise Land Church in Austin, Texas ordained Paul Ojeda a Bishop. In addition to Pastoring the South Austin Campus he also oversees a church plant in San Marcos, Texas, which was, established in 2011. Today, Bishop Paul Ojeda sits on the board of Christ Together Greater Austin. Through this partnership, he and other Pastors strategize concerning the needs in the greater Austin area.  He is passionate about winning the lost, changing the city and loving his family.


Our ministry is available to the community for mentoring and spiritual guidance. We have an Encounter Retreat for men, women and youth. The Encounter is where marriages are healed, lives are transformed and families are saved from the statistic of divorce and single parent homes. Men learn how to take their place as a Leader in their home, which makes them better husbands, fathers, sons, and men in our community. Women find their place to bring completion as God created them a partner to their husband. Bishop Ojeda teaches the principles and patterns of a Godly family - which is a reflection of God’s word and love. 


We are a bible base church and Spirit filled church, which believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We also believe in the Five Fold Ministry and we also baptize in the name of Jesus. We ask that you pray and seek God’s direction and if He is leading you to join this ministry. We would be excited to have your gifts and talents added to this ministry. The bible teaches us the importance of being planted in God’s House. We pray that God would lead you to be planted in a church whether it be here or somewhere else.


Psalm 92:13 NKJV “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God.



The Pastors for Austin PowerHouse Church are leaders in specific areas within our ministry.  They are familiar faces you will see teaching and preaching at the main campus on any given Sunday while still performing pastoral care duties such as officiating weddings, attending and speaking at funerals, and visitations for those in the congregation who may be sick or otherwise. 

© 2021 by Austin Powerhouse Church

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